jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Travelling to Thailand

Resultado de imagen para tailandia mapaI'm travelling tomorrow so i think in my friends and my family. I will not see them for a long time, and i will miss them. They will miss me too, but they were agree with the idea of travelling to Thailand and doing a volunteering.

Resultado de imagen para tailandia aeropuertoAfter a long fligth i arrived to the airport of Thailand called "Suvarnabhumi", it is called Bangkok airport too. It was giant, i didn't expected something so big. I was really surprised. I'm shocked by the difference of the culture that the people have in Bangkok. 

I stayed in Bangkok for three days during the volonteering. I went to a small school in the middle of the city. It was very religious, every single kid respect his religion and their costumes are very diferents than ours so i was shocked.

I visited to the "Wat Phra Kaew": it's an enormous and beautiful religio-political tempel and very popular for thailandese people.

Resultado de imagen para wat arun
I visited another temple too called "Wat Arun", who is a budist temple with an incredible construction.
 The tird place a visited was a beach near the capital called "Railay Beach". It's one of the most known beaches of the zone.

Resultado de imagen para tailandia

It was an unrepaeteable experience and i really loved the trip and the country. I will remenber forever the moment in the small school in Bangkok when the kids participate of a religious celebration, and respected all each other religion.

I return tomorrow to mi contry, and i will meet my family and friends again!! I'm very happy.

1 comentario:

  1. You've just started your work. This is less than one third of it and there are corrections to be made too. You haven't followed the instructions given. A pity!
